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Faculty Policies

In preparing its policies, the Faculty of Computers and Information Sciences has been keen to cover a number of standards and controls that ensure the achievement of its mission and strategic objectives.

In light of the preparation of the faculty's strategic plan, the faculty's policies were identified in three main axes: the field of education, the field of scientific research and postgraduate studies, and the field of community service. These policies represent broad and general lines that guide the implementation process of the faculty's strategy in all its parts and at various levels.

First: the general policies of the faculty

• Applying the rules and methods of quality assurance in all aspects of the faculty’s activity, including teaching, scientific research, and community service.

• Work to develop all aspects of the activity in the faculty and all parties to the educational process.

• Seek to continuously develop the systems, regulations and mechanisms governing all activities in the faculty.

• Optimizing the use of available resources and maximizing ways to benefit from them, and setting priorities for their use.

• Interacting with scientific and technological developments, and trying to transfer and develop technologies.

• Respecting the strategic plans of the faculty and its implementation plans, and taking procedures and mechanisms to ensure the implementation of the plans to the fullest extent.

• Permanent review of decisions and activities in the light of its strategic and operational policies and plans.

• Flexibility and transparency in practices, decisions, policies and plans.

• Achieving the values of justice and equality among students, faculty staff, their assistants, and faculty workers.

• Satisfying the beneficiaries and meeting the needs of the community in a way that does not prejudice the quality of the faculty’s outputs and does not conflict with the scientific and technological assets, as the faculty provides services and products that include the graduate, training courses, consulting services, and others.

• A systemic management that relies on specific mechanisms, rules, and plans for all activities in the faculty, and does not depend on the individual vision.

• Respect the general values and ethics of the scientific community in all practices and activities and adhere to the professional ethics guide.

• Documenting all activities and creating comprehensive databases for them.

• Adopting policies that link incentives and rewards to the effort and quality of performance.

• Optimal use of available resources and rationalization of spending, while considering the financial budget allocated to the faculty by the university as a minimum.

• Work on developing the faculty’s own financial resources through:

• Expanding the activities of units of a special nature such as the Consultation Center and the Scientific Computation Center.

• Encourage faculty staff to submit research and applied projects for funding from various funding agencies.

• Marketing the services provided by the faculty to community parties.

• Attracting new students for diplomas and expanding professional diplomas offered to students.

• Attracting new students for postgraduate studies, especially expatriates.

• Expansion of special credit hour programs.

• Work to increase community contribution.

Second: Faculty policies in the field of education

• Application of academic reference standards.

• Internal and external evaluation of academic programs and courses according to reference standards and their development.

• Expanding educational programs, new majors, and joint majors.

• Encouraging and sponsoring students who are academically distinguished and outstanding, sponsoring struggling students, and providing them with scientific support.

• Activating cooperation with the corresponding faculties locally and internationally in the field of education, through the exchange of experiences and professors.

• Focusing on the student as the most important output of the faculty, developing mental skills, and following the methodology of problem-solving and methods of scientific thinking among students.

• Holding scientific and cultural seminars for faculty students.

• Providing and maintaining all teaching and learning facilities.

• Integration with the faculty's policies in the field of scientific research, community service, and environmental development.

Third: Faculty policies in the field of scientific research and postgraduate studies

• Achieving integration and coordination in the efforts undertaken by the faculty on the one hand and the university on the other, within the framework of the state plan for scientific research.

• Encouraging applied scientific research that serves development plans and local community problems.

• Encouraging scientific publishing in international scientific fields with high impact factors.

• Encouraging partnerships in scientific research between different disciplines or counterparts.

• Developing and raising the capabilities of researchers in the faculty.

• Encouraging agreements and knowledge exchange with scientific research institutions by exchanging visits for scientists and researchers and holding joint seminars and scientific seminars, locally, regionally, and internationally.

• Communication and coordination with regional and international bodies and organizations that contribute to supporting scientific research.

• Documenting all research activities and related activities, creating comprehensive databases for them, and publishing them.

• Integration with the faculty's policies in the field of education and the areas of community service and environmental development.

Fourth: Faculty policies in the field of community service

• Achieving integration and coordination in the efforts undertaken by the faculty on the one hand and the university on the other hand within the framework of the state's funding plan and plans for environmental protection and development and community service.

• Continuous communication with civil society and identifying its needs and orientations.

• Continuous communication with alumni.

• Providing specialized scientific and training support to environmental and community parties.

• Involving students, and faculty staff in community service activities.

• Adopting and supporting environmental and service activities and expanding the ranges of community service and environmental development.

• Integration with the faculty's policies in the field of education and scientific research.